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  • wither是什么意思啊
  • 乐队Dream theater 歌曲Wither歌词
  • wither是什么意思
  • wither什么意思
  • 求wither 歌词翻译
  • wilt和wither有什么区别希望有例句,谢谢!


wither枯萎双语对照词典结果:wither[英][ˈwɪðə(r)][美][ˈwɪðɚ]vt.使枯萎; 使畏缩; 使衰弱; vi.凋谢; 衰弱; 萎缩; 第三人称单数:withers过去分词:withered现在进行时:withering过去式:withered以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.If governments do not act to curb emissions, those investments will eventually wither. 如果政府不致力于削减碳排放,那么这些投资将注定会枯萎。

乐队Dream theater 歌曲Wither歌词

乐队Dream theater 歌曲Wither歌词Let it out, let it out 灵感出来吧,出来吧 Fill the empty space 将这空白的纸页赋予内容 So insecure 烦躁难忍 Find the words 我要组织好语言 And let it out 然后写出来 Staring down, staring down 低眼凝视,我低眼凝视着 Nothing comes to mind 头脑仍旧空白一片 Find the place 我要在脑海中找个地方 Turn the water into wine 让这坛水化为美酒 But I feel I’m getting nowhere 依旧没有任何进展 And I’ll never see the end 头脑的干涸仿似永无尽头 So I wither 我在凋零 And render myself helpless 向绝望低下了头 I give in 我屈服了 And everything is clear 一切都变得如此明了 I breakdown 我倒下了 And let the story guide me 让事情顺其自然吧 Turn it on, Turn it on 头脑动起来吧,动起来吧 Let the feelings flow 让灵感的小溪流动 Close your eyes 闭上你的双眼 See the ones you used to know 回顾曾经相识的种种 Open up open up 睁开吧,睁开双眼 Don’t struggle to relate 不要再痛苦地去联想 Lure it out 引诱它 Help the memory escape 引诱记忆流入脑海 Still this barrenness consumes me 头脑的贫瘠吞噬着我 And I feel like giving up 我想要放弃了 So I wither 我在凋零 And render myself helpless 向绝望低下了头 I give in 我屈服了 And everything is clear 一切都变得如此明了 I breakdown 我倒下了 And let the story guide me 让事情顺其自然吧 I wither 我在凋零 And give myself away 我已遗弃了我自己 Like reflections on the page 就像纸上的一笔一划 The world’s what you create 你的世界就是你的创作 I drown in the hesitation 犹豫中我踌躇不前 My words come crashing down 组织好的语言又被拆分 And all my best creations 那些最好的创作 Burn into the ground 也化为灰烬 The thought of starting over 又要重新再来吗? Leaves me paralyzed 我已麻木疲累 Tear it out again 撕掉吧 Another one that got away 又一份撕毁的创作 So I wither 我在凋零 And render myself helpless 向绝望低下了头 I give in 我屈服了 And everything is clear 一切都变得如此明了 So I wither 我在凋零 And render myself helpless 向绝望低下了头 I give in 我屈服了 And everything is clear 一切都变得如此明了 I breakdown 我倒下了 And let the story guide me 让事情顺其自然吧 I wither 我在凋零 And give myself away 我已遗弃了我自己 Like reflections on the page 就像纸上的一笔一划 The world’s what you create 你的世界就是你的创作


vt. 使枯萎;使畏缩;使衰弱 vi. 凋谢;衰弱;萎缩 第三人称单数:withers;过去分词:withered;现在分词:withering;过去... [例句]If governments do not act to curb emissions , those investments will eventually wither.如果政府不致力于削减碳排放,那么这些投资将注定会枯萎。==================================================================亲~你好!````(^__^)````很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步,身体健康,家庭和谐,天天开心!有不明白的可以追问!如果有其他问题请另发或点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解.如果您认可我的回答,请点击下面的【采纳为满意回答】或者手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角点击【评价】,谢谢!你的好评是我前进的动力!! 你的采纳也会给你带去财富值的。(祝你事事顺心)==================================================================


wither[英][ˈwɪðə(r)][美][ˈwɪðɚ]vt.使枯萎; 使畏缩; 使衰弱; vi.凋谢; 衰弱; 萎缩; 第三人称单数:withers过去分词:withered现在进行时:withering过去式:withered 例句:1.That we must all wither and die? 我们都要凋谢和死去? 2.Are you saying we should just watch this place wither? 你在说我们只能看着这个地方枯萎调吗?

求wither 歌词翻译

wither 枯萎的歌手:earth crisis 专辑:breed the killers Near lifeless skin stretched over a prone skeleton. 在生命的皮肤伸展一个容易骨架。An image branded for all time within my memory. Pursuit began图像品牌所有的时间在我的记忆中。开始追求Earth Crisis地球危机seeking pleasure delivered with a price, 寻找快乐的交付与价格,though an illusion of instant bliss enticed. 虽然幻觉即时幸福诱惑。Toyed with what immediately only玩弄什么马上overpowered. Chased the dragon thinking that it would not turn to devour. 制服。追龙认为这也不吃。Steel driven into skin. Contamination forced in.钢驱动到皮肤。污染被迫。Wither. Body given to the vortex, awake in a synthetic枯萎的。体的旋涡,清醒的合成dream. Time and meaning fades, life drains far faster than it seems. 梦。时间和生命的意义,远远快于似乎排水。Drawn to the brink by thoughts of invincibility to give画的边缘的思想给无敌into what beckons constantly. Pulled back across the threshold. 在不断的召唤。拉过门槛。Loved by the ones who helped bring salvation. The future is爱的人带来救恩。未来是in the hands of a once self-made victim. Steel driven into skin. 手中的一个曾经自制的受害者。钢驱动到皮肤。Contamination forced in. Jaws of death close together.污染被迫。鬼门关紧密。The haze that surges must not win. Wither.阴霾,潮不能赢。枯萎的。


这两个词意思差不多, wither 是比较老的说法, 有点过时了. 两者相比, wilt 更侧重植物失去水分而枝叶下垂, 就是我们所说的蔫了; Cut flowers will soon wilt without water. 剪掉的花失去水分很快就蔫了wither更侧重植物枯死后变脆,一折就断. Grass had withered in the fields, 田里的草都枯死了这两词也都可以形容人, wilt 表示精神疲惫 而 wither 表示容颜失色after hard working, they were beginning to wilt in the heat. 干完重活他们热得精疲力尽了Age cannot wither her. 岁月并未使她的容颜减色.


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