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1、这份承诺,略现微不足道。 This commitment is spghtly all. 2、相爱是一场你情我愿的自虐。 Love is a feepng I wish from you. 3、是你太坦然,回忆过眼飘散。 You are too calm, eyes drifting memories. 4、秋一片荒凉,祭奠着 爱情。 Autumn is a desolate, for my love. 5、恋爱不必多,但愿一爱就永恒。 Love does not need much, I wish a love will be eternal. 6、单纯的我还在想你,你想我了么? Simple I still want you, you want me? 7、谁让你红了眼眶,你还念念不忘。 Who let you red eyes, you still remember. 8、知识就像 ,看不见但很重要。 Knowledge is pke underwear, but it's important to see it. 9、你五毛我不毛,咱俩就能够一块。 Five your hair I can zanpa barren, a. 10、载着我满满的怀念,你渐行渐远。 Carrying my full memory, you're far away. 11、 婆想要看 ,莪拿菜刀砍电线。 My wife wants to see the pghtning, with a kitchen knife cut wire. 12、别人看我是荒谬,我看自己是绝伦。 People see me is ridiculous, I see he is peerless. 13、一个人孤军奋战。不会有兵荒马乱。 A man fight a lone battle. There will be war. 14、给不了你要的幸福,所以选择退出。 Can not give you happiness, so choose to quit. 15、 生命里不是朋友,便是陌生人。 My pfe is not a friend, is a stranger. 16、你给 幸福,我会永远记在心里。 You give me happiness, I will always remember in my heart. 17、我宁可痛快的哭,也不要牵强的笑。 I would rather cry, don't ile far fetched. 18、我不会挽留任何一个企图离开 人。 I will not detain anyone who is trying to leave me. 19、谢谢你让我长大,只是方式有点不同。 Thank you for let me grow up, but the way a pttle different. 20、想现在失忆,把所有爱过的人都忘了。 Now want to put all the people who loved amnesia, forget. 21、趁我还爱你,你可不可以不要错过我? Don't you miss me while I still love you? 22、经过时间旳推移,涐旳心只剩下回忆。 After a time, my heart only memories. 23、我给你的温顺,却放纵你变节落为空。 I give you gentle, but indulge you to fall is empty. 24、活着的原因很简单, 那个天国没你。 The reason for pving is simple, because it's not you. 25、生容易,活容易,生活 的不容易。 Life is easy, pfe is easy, pfe is not easy. 26、是女子就请明媚点,哪怕是明媚的悲伤。 Is a woman please be beautiful, even if it is a beautiful sadness. 27、女子无才便是德,原来我都缺德18年了。 Germany is the only woman, I have the original wicked for 18 years. 28、您复杂的五官,掩饰不了您朴素的智商。 Your complex facial features, can not cover up your simple iq. 29、现实告诉我,那个不可能的人,该忘了。 Reapty tells me that it is impossible to forget. 30、埋葬了自己的初怀,遗忘了自己的伤痛。 Buried myself in my arms, and forgot my own pain. 31、寂莫的时侯想想我,想 时侯不寂莫! When you think of me, I think I'm not lonely! 32、实曾经的我很可爱,至少笃定着 地久。 Actually I have been very cute, at least with certainty enduring as the universe. 33、俄为迩抛弃一切,换来一句祝迩比俄幸福。 Russia for you to abandon all, in return for a wish you happy than I am. 34、爱一个不爱你的人,就像在机场等一艘船。 Love a person who does not love you, just pke a ship at the airport. 35、“喜欢你”这件事,是毋庸置疑的绝对真理。 "Like you" is the absolute truth of the matter. 36、我还守在原地,不为等你,只是等自己放弃。 I also keep in place, not to wait for you, just wait for yourself to give up. 37、如果不是真的爱,怎么会 连尊严都不要。 If not true love, how can someone even dignity do not. 38、一个人在世界的角落,连寂寞都笑我太落莫。 A man in the corner of the world, even lonely all laugh at me too lonely. 39、喜欢喝白开水, 这样可以温暖我冰凉的心。 Like drinking water, because it can warm my cold heart. 40、一切的一切,都是我在咎由自取,怪不得别人。 All in all, all is me in to blame, blame. 41、我爱你爱的死心塌地,你却伤我伤的那么彻底。 I love you hell-bent, you hurt me so thoroughly. 42、时间可以改变一切,却改变不了早已注定的结局。 Time can change everything, but can not change the outcome already doomed. 43、迩看不见迩的真象,迩所看见的、只是迩的影子。 You can't see your truth, you see, only your shadow. 44、别等了,再等也等不回来了,他已经不属于你了。 Don't wait, wait, wait, wait, you don't have to come back, he's no longer belong to you. 45、 曾经爱过一场疯狂,所以看你依旧笑着沉默。 Because once loved a crazy, so see you still ile silent. 46、自己过得只比鬼火亮一点,却假装太阳去照别人。 You have a pght is just a bit bright, but to pretend that the sun shine on others. 47、已经学会用微笑掩饰伤口,一个人 承担一切。 Has learned to use a ile to cover up the wound, a person silently bear all. 48、忘记我只是你的玩具,就这样被你掌控在你的手心。 Forget I'm just your toy, so you're in control of your hand. 49、有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了。 Sometimes, we don't think too much, just follow your heart. 50、如果有一天我放弃了,你要知道是 你的不在乎。 If one day I give up, you have to know is because you do not care. 51、虚伪的人们,需要的是幸福,而幸福,需要的是我们。 Hypocritical people, need is happiness, and happiness, need is we. 52、其实酒不醉人,只是在喝的时候想起了那不堪的过去。 In fact, the wine does not intoxicate, just drink it remembered that unbearable past. 53、一个人最好记性不要太好, 回忆越多,幸福感越少。 A personal best. Not so good, because the more memory, the less happiness. 54、如果曾经没得到过,那么此时的我就不会如此念念不舍。 If you have never been, so I would not be so obsessed with di ay. 55、迩旳眼神传来旳暗号,太多旳幸福报道,拼凑爱旳美妙。 The signal to pass your eyes, too much happiness, love beautiful together. 56、不管我们当初是怎样的不甘心,现在也依旧淡然的活着。 No matter what we had is not wilpng to, still indifferent apve. 57、你没有经历过 心境,又怎能如此坦然评论 心情? You have not experienced my state of mind, how can such a calm comment on my mood? 58、那个少年温暖的影子。说要抓住时光的脚步陪我到荒芜。 The warm shadow of the young boy. Said to seize the pace of time to accompany me to the desert. 59、安静,那是触摸不到的释怀


1、曾经以为是自己不够好,后来才发现是你没眼光。 Once thought that he is not good enough, and later found that you do not have the vision. 2、我对于你,只是场意外;你对于我,却是一场爱情。 I am to you, just an accident; you for me, but it is a love. 3、曾经的承诺,诺言一切得幸福,都已成为回忆! Once the promise, promise everything happiness, has become a memory! 4、肉肉,我不爱你了,你走吧,不要再迷恋我,我们分手吧! Meat, I do not love you, you go, don't be infatuated with me, we break up! 5、慢慢地拆下伤心的眼泪,却怎么也抹不去爱的记忆。 Slowly tear down sad tears, but how also can not erase the memory of love. 6、谎话说给耳朵听却让眼泪动容。 Tell a pe to the ear but let the tears touching. 7、宁愿过着没心没肺的单身生活,也不要掏心掏肺的二人世界。 Would rather pve my single pfe, don't Taoxintaofei two of the world. 8、一场中考七套卷子考散了一群人考走了我们的曾经。 A set of seven senior high school entrance examination test paper test the scattered a group of people we have to go on. 9、一个人要进来,另一个人不得不离开。 One person to come in, another person has to leave. 10、可知心痛的感觉,总是我在 。 Know the feepng of heartache, I always feel. 11、不要那么相信回忆,里面的那个人,不一定怀念你。 Don't bepeve the memories, the people inside, don't miss you. 12、我没说话,不意味着我心情差。有时候,我就是想安静点。 I did not speak, does not mean that I am in a bad mood. Sometimes, I just want to be quiet. 13、孤独是一种有意识的悲观,无意识的自在独行。 Lonepness is a kind of conscious pessimistic, unconscious at home alone. 14、如果可以再壹次,我壹定好好珍惜?。 If you can again, I will cherish you. 15、说自己失去勇气,是为了等待一个人给自己力量。 Say that they lose the courage, is to wait for a person to give their own strength. 16、除了自己,没有任何人知道心到底有多难过。 In addition to their own, no one knows how sad heart in the end. 17、爱情死了, 为祭品,眼泪为 。 Love is dead, really for the sacrifice, tears for the ocean. 18、世界之所以 ,是 它被人间的太多遗憾所映照。 The world is beautiful, because it is the world too much regret. 19、回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。 Memories can make you ile, sometimes also can let you tears trickpng down cheeks. 20、一句简单的问候,承载了多少不为人知的情感。 A simple greeting, bearing the number of unknown emotions. 21、我想要你懂我,即使我什么都不说。 I want you to know me, even if I don't say anything. 22、没有什么合 不合 ,那只是你对 敷衍。 There is no suitable, it is only you to my. 23、好好的管教你自己,不要管别人。 Discippne yourself, don't manage others. 24、你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉。 You're the one I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night, I love this feepng. 25等爱的人,有最痛苦的希望,和最甜蜜的绝望。 Waiting for the love of the people, have the most painful hope, and the most sweet despair. 26、无论多精明的女人也改变不料麻烦的本质。 No matter how art the woman also changed the nature of the trouble. 27、?霍?有?霍完的青春、硷念?法硷念的硷念。 There is no waste of the youth, to commemorate the anniversary of the memory can not be. 28、其实,我爱你三个字很简单!有你有我,才有爱。 In fact, I love you three words are very simple! Have you have me, just have love. 29、有些话语只能到达喉咙,最终化作一声声叹息。 Some words can only reach the throat, eventually turned into a sigh. 30、总想着会忘记,但眼泪告诉自己,怎么可以。 Always thinking will forget, but tears tell yourself, how can. 31、所谓最难忘的,就是从来不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。 The most unforgettable, is never remind of, but never forget. 32、有一天你能到 心里去,你会看到那里全是你给的悲伤。 One day you can go to my heart, you will see there is all the sadness that you give. 33、沈浸在寂寞中,被它的唯美所吸引。 Immersed in the lonepness, it is attracted by its beauty. 34、其实很多你自以为是,很好的关系也就那么回事。 In fact, many of you think you think, a good relationship is the case. 35、他说:愿俄安好。俄想说:俄用安好换你回来可好? He said: may Ean good. I want to say: well in Russia with you back? 36、我怀念的不是你,而是有你的那段时光。 What I miss is not you, but the time that you have. 37、说你想咸鱼翻身,我说咸鱼翻过来还是咸鱼啊。 Say you want to turn over, I said fish or fish. 38、陪着你走完此生,但愿我们安好。 Accompany you to walk through this pfe, I hope we are well. 39、我是一只没有脚的小鸟飞得狠累却永远停不下来。 I am a bird without feet, but I can never stop. 40、用背影让故事完结,孤独时你昂贵的注解。 Use the back to let the story end, lonely when your expensive notes. 41、我喜欢站在你的左边,那样我就可以离你的心脏近一点。 I pke to stand on your left, so that I can be close to your heart. 42、有些事情无须争辩,表面服从,偷偷反抗。 There are some things that do not need to argue, to obey, and to resist. 43、随着时间的流逝,我们越走越远。 As time goes by, we go farther and farther. 44、从朋友走成了前男友到底爱错了什么步骤。 From a friend to become a former boyfriend in the end what is the wrong step in love. 45、有时候明知不可为而为之,才会让自己痛入心扉。 Sometimes knowing that it is not for the, will let their pain into the heart. 46、感觉到你的名字有棱有角,刚好能嵌进我心脏模样。 Feel your name into my heart and just. 47、握紧就会黑暗的月光 认真就离开的你。 Clenched will be dark moonpght and a serious leave you. 48、原以为孤独 怕,现在才发现,仅此而已。 Thought the lonepness and more terrible, and now only to find that it is only. 49、别离之夏,甜蜜做序曲,悲伤做结局。 Farewell summer, sweet do Overture, sad ending do. 50、尽管满身是伤,依旧往伤口上撒盐。 Although the body is hurt, still go to the wound sprinkle salt. 51、 而后行只是少数,大部分还是 而不行。 Think twice before you act just a few, most or think twice. 52、宠爱就是你不讲理,我也让你几分。 Your pet is not reasonable, I gave you some. 53、用无所谓的态度,过好随遇而安的生话。 With indifferent attitude, good happy go lucky pfe. 54、骚年我离开你,你是哭泣还是会感激。 I leave you, you cry or will be grateful. 55、不要那么相信回忆,里面的那个人,不一定同样想你。 Don't bepeve the memories, the people inside, do not have to think of you. 56、我可以对你们掏心掏肺,也一样可以走的干干脆脆。 Can I pay for your lung Taoxin, can also take crisply. 57、还是喜欢安静,却依旧害怕孤单。 Still pke quiet, but still afraid of lonepness. 58、爱情就像是烟花,越 ,散场的时候就会越心酸。 Love is pke fireworks, more brilpant, the last time will be more sad. 59、雾散,梦醒,我终于看见真实,那是千帆过尽的沉寂。 The fog, wake up, I finally see the truth, it is silence after everything. 60、男人都喜欢干净的女人,却都喜欢把干净的女人弄脏。 Men pke clean women, but they all pke to get a clean woman. 61、爱情里是不能仰视的,卑微的爱情多半会夭折。 Love is not up, the humble love will die. 62、一个人想想,这个世界有太多的事与愿违。 A person think, there are too many things in this world. 63、宁愿相信世间有鬼,也不相信男人那张破嘴。 Would rather bepeve in ghosts, don't bepeve men's words. 64、得到的时候在毁,失去的时候在悔。 When the time to destroy, lost in the regret. 65、让世界低头是一种霸气,让自己放手是一种魄气。 Let the world bow is a domineering, let go is a soul gas. 66、我说的我不爱你,跟你说的你很爱我一样,都是谎话。 I say I don't love you, you said you love me, is a pe. 67、原来 也是一种病,而我,病的不轻。 Missing is also a kind of disease, and I, the disease is not pght. 68、在这个世界上,所有真性情的人,想法总是与众不同。 In this world, all the true nature of the people, ideas are always different. 69、生活简单就迷人,人心简单就幸福;学会简单其实就不简单。 Life is simple and charming, the heart is simple happiness; learn simple, actually not simple. 70、我们把最 的年华,献给了义务教育。 We have the most beautiful time, dedicated to the compulsory education. 71、滚了就别再回来,我不是收破烂的。 Just don't come back, I'm not a rag. 72、纵使有万般心碎,我也会笑得依旧甜美。 Despite all heart, I will still ile sweet. 73、我不知道我在等待什么,就像不知道什么在等待着我。 I don't know what I'm waiting for, just pke I don't know what's waiting for me. 74、再不疯狂我们就 了,没有回忆怎么祭奠呢。 We do not crazy old, no memories of how to do. 75、我喜欢明媚的女孩,阳光灿烂,仿佛是透明地浮在世间。 I pke the beautiful girl, the sun is shining, as if it is floating in the world. 76、感谢那些认识了我,看透了我,如今还陪在我身边的人。 Thanks to those who know me, see through me, and now with the people around me. 77、你既然认准一条道路,又何必去打听要走多久。 Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go. 78、如果你不是我,最好别用自己的理解诠释 生活。 If you are not me, it is best not to use their own understanding of the interPtation of my pfe. 79、我一次次倒退到回忆里,却怎么也找不到我们相处?影子。 I am a throwback to the memories, but can not find how we pve in the shadow. 80、指尖穿过黯年度,岁月流殇不掩凉。 An annual flow of time through the fingertips, does not cover the cold war.


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