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I like to live in the countryside.I live in a smallvillage.There is a river near it.Lots of trees are around my house.I can seea lot of farms and birds.There is less noise.The air here is cleaner andfresher.There are fewer cars.I read aloud early in the morning.When it isgetting dark,the moon is bright in the sky.It’s very quiet .What a nice placeI live in !







3.stepin字面意思是“踏进”,但是也可根据语境翻译成“走进”,其实大多数时候还都是翻译成“走进”的4.approach本意是接近,但是这个词用法确实很多,而且可用的地方也很多,所以在一定情况下是可以翻译成走进的!希望我真诚的回答可以帮到您 参考资料: 为人民服务团团长


killed, as far as Nieminen could judge, by a single blow to the neck. His larynx was rammed deep


《新视野读写教程》(New Horizon College English: Reading and Writing)是一套面向高等教育阶段的英语教材,主要用于培养学生的阅读和写作能力。这套教材由外语教学与研究出版社出版,覆盖从大学英语新视野教材系列(New Horizon College English)分册中的阅读和写作部分。





It is widely acknowledged that globalization is an irresistible flow which has swept the globe, especially developing countries like China. And obviously, the development of China is a history of “Westernization”。

The question is does the advantages globalization brings to China outweigh its disadvantages, or just the opposite?

In terms of economy and trade, there is no doubt that we gained more than lost. After acquiring a membership in WTO, China has been transforming from the world shop which is distinguished for its cheap labor and abundant natural resources to independent economic system plays by the international role. More people began to utilize their intelligence and creativity to produce high-tech products that is not only “Made in China” but also “Invented in China”。 We have to admit that globalization has opened a window for China, making it possible for China to step on the international stage.

However, every coin has two sides. So does globalization have negative impact in China, especially Chinese traditional culture. As KFC and Macdonald's came, less young people know how to make a Zongzi on Dragon Boat Day; as western fashion and super models came, they lost in luxurious heaven, drowning in the vast sea of fashion magazines, ignore Chinese classics.

In conclusion, it is wise for China to treat globalization cautiously.


英语是broaden one's horizons




Spring breeze blowing, green trees, ruffled the water, blowing up the bird, blowing red on the face of the girl... Ah! Spring is everywhere! I like spring, more like walking in the spring in meihuashan.

  Sunny spring afternoon, I stroll in the plum blossom mountain, listening to the birds hit songs, staring at the road jasmine. Wow, the flowers are beautiful! Light yellow petals around the yellow flower, confidently looked up toward the passing people waving, said: "you see you see! I whether very beautiful!" Go forward again, you can see tables "beautiful world".

  Red, pink, yellow, white, green, colored, colorful.

  Among them, the most rare is the "abliflora". Around "abliflora" with a "green ribbon", in the middle is white color, very lovely. Under the sunshine, the light green petals still radiant with pieces of luster! Second, the most beautiful for its "weeping may". "Weeping may" and "weeping may" as the name suggests, the branch is a seemingly 90 - degree Angle and prolapse. From a distance, small and exquisite, give a person a kind of said not to come out.

  Yi? How coming a refreshing fragrance? It was a few fragrance from "silk tree". "Silk tree" flower like green balls, it is no wonder that is called "silk tree"!

  The plum blossom in the mountains there is a large artificial lake. Around the lake, a few of the willow wicker blowing in the wind, like beauties fresh, graceful...

  The lake bottom, attract many tourists. I'm especially excited, pull the mother playing the "nothing"...

  The scene, let I can't leave for a long time. Meihuashan, next spring goodbye!


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