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引言:开场白是吸引听众注意力的重要部分。可以使用一个有趣的引语、一个令人惊讶的事实或一个相关的故事来引入主题。 主体:主体部分是演讲的核心内容,可以分为几个段落。每个段落都应该有一个清晰的主题句,并附上相关的支持细节。可以使用举例、对比、引用等手法来增强论点的可信度。 结论:在结论部分,我们可以重申演讲的主题,并提出一些行动建议或呼吁。既可以总结前文,也可以展望未来。



简洁明了:使用简单的句子和常用词汇,避免使用过于复杂的语句和专业术语,以确保听众易于理解。 节奏与语调:注意语速和语调的变化,让演讲更具有节奏感和吸引力。 实践口语:在撰写过程中,多进行口语练习,确保演讲稿的口语表达自然流畅。



反复练习:在熟悉演讲稿内容后,多次进行口头演练,以提高流利度和自信心。 录像回放:可以使用录像设备或手机录制演讲,并进行观看回放,找出自己的不足之处,并进行改进。 专业指导:如果条件允许,可以寻求专业人士的指导和意见,以提高演讲水平。



















Hero in My Life When I sat at the desk, trying to write the essay, I found it hard to start. My life is filled with heroes, ranging from famous public figures such as pop stars and politicians to common people like my friends, classmates, teachers and relatives.

Finally, I chose my mother with deliberation. That doesn't means my father is less important, on the contrary, no one can replace him in my life. But my mom is the one who carried me for 9 months, growing inside, and the one who I hurt deeply but never ever regret her love to me. She always stands in the centre of my life, from past till now and possibly in the future. So today, I would like to share my stories and feelings to you. My mom was born in a well-off family in 1960s, not a good family background at that time.

Intense social contradiction and unrest made her a suffering childhood. What's worse, a lack of access to a highly standard education ruined her treasure youth.


Today is sunny day. I feel better than before.I have blocked in company for seven days because of covid-19.I look up the sky,I believe dark clouds never stop the sun.





Good morning everyone! I am Mulan, a brave and determined young woman. I come here today to talk about the importance of courage and perseverance.

In life, we all face challenges and obstacles. It is easy to give up and feel defeated. But I believe that with courage and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle.

I have experienced this firsthand. When I was a young girl, I was determined to join the army and fight for my country. Despite the odds, I was able to prove my worth and become a great warrior.

My story is a testament to the power of courage and perseverance. No matter how difficult the situation may seem, we must never give up. We must have the courage to face our fears and the perseverance to keep going.

So, I urge you all to be brave and never give up. With courage and perseverance, we can achieve anything. Thank you.





First of all, let us talk about the beautiful beaches of Hainan. Hainan has many famous beaches, such as Sanya's Yalong Bay and Haikou's Holiday Beach. These beaches are wonderful for viewing the blue sky, white clouds and clear water. We can enjoy sunshine, sand and waves on these beaches, full of nature's grace.

Next, let's talk about the exciting tropical rain forests in Hainan. Hainan is home to a variety of forests, including the famous Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve. Inside these remarkable forests, we can experience a diverse range of plants and animals, including some rare species. This is a wonderful world full of life and vitality, making the tropical rain forests an unforgettable experience.

Also worth mentioning are the profound historical and cultural heritage of



Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to talk about an event that holds great significance and excitement for our city - the Chengdu University Games. As we prepare to host this prestigious sporting event, it is an honor for us to showcase our vibrant city, rich culture, and passion for sports to the world.

The theme of the Chengdu University Games is "Unite, Inspire, Excel." These three words embody the spirit and essence of this grand event. First, let's talk about unity. The University Games bring together athletes, students, and sports enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. It is a celebration of diversity and inclusivity, where individuals from different backgrounds and cultures unite through their love for sports. This unity fosters mutual understanding, friendship, and respect among participants, creating a harmonious and supportive atmosphere.

Next, we have inspiration. The University Games serve as a platform to inspire and motivate young athletes. These games provide a stage for them to showcase their talents, determination, and hard work. It is an opportunity to witness extraordinary achievements, inspiring a new generation of athletes to pursue their dreams and push their limits. Through the stories of these exceptional athletes, we hope to ignite the flame of inspiration within each and every one of us.

Finally, we come to excellence. The Chengdu University Games encourage athletes to strive for excellence in their respective sports. It is a platform for athletes to challenge themselves, surpass their personal bests, and reach new heights of achievement. The Games promote healthy competition, fair play, and the pursuit of sporting excellence. They are a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the relentless pursuit of greatness.

As we embark on this incredible journey of the Chengdu University Games, let us embrace unity, draw inspiration, and strive for excellence. Together, we can create an unforgettable event that will leave a lasting legacy in the world of sports. Let the games begin, and may they serve as a testament to the power of sports to unite, inspire, and excel.

Thank you.





Buckingham Palace is the principal dormitory and office of the British monarch in London.

Located in Westminster, the palace is one of the venues for national celebrations and royal welcoming ceremonies, as well as an important tourist attraction.

Buckingham Palace is an important venue for gatherings at times of celebration or crisis in British history.

Buckingham Palace is now open to visitors. Every morning, there will be a famous handover ceremony of the guards, which has become a great view of British Royal culture.


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