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以"attitudes towards life"为题,写一篇150字的英语作文

以"attitudes towards life"为题,写一篇150字的英语作文

5 Simple Things That Can Help Change Your Attitude

1. Identify and understand what you want to change.

The first step towards change is clearly understanding what needs to be changed.

2. Look for a role model.

We all need to know that what we’re trying to accomplish

can in fact be achieved; that we can be more optimistic, more social or

more patient.

3. Think about how your attitude change will affect your life.

To be able to hurtle through all the difficulties that lie

ahead of you in your journey towards self betterment, you need to figure

out exactly what this supposed change could bring to your life.

4. Choose the right company. (人际交往)

Consider befriending new people, especially those who are optimistic and

have a healthy attitude towards life. You will see that your effort to

change will be easier with these kinds of people as friends.

5. Believe that you are able to change.

Often, the greatest obstacle between us and our goals is ourselves or our inability to trust in what we are able to d

急求一篇有关人际关系的英语作文 可以关于大学生活的 也可以关于社会的 也可以关于家庭的 我们英语口语...

I've been looking for, seeking -- to find the key to open a spoon. i have been quite innocent of human thought, like the piece of rope skipping, just standing on both sides.


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