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  • staying的汉语是什么意思
  • staying 意思,词性,造句
  • stay是什么意思
  • staying英文是什么意思
  • stay的中文是什么意思
  • Staying的意思
  • stay 和 staying当名词用的区别
  • staying是什么意思


staying英 n.撑(法)v.停留,停止( stay的现在分词 );继续处于某种状态希望对你有帮助!

staying 意思,词性,造句

outside 英Some more law was outside.还有几名警察在外面。




翻译如下stayingn.撑(法)v.停留,停止( stay的现在分词 );继续处于某种状态例句I’m chuffed that the boss is staying 老板不走了,我非常高兴。


stay 添加到我的生词本英 n. 停留,制止,依靠,支柱v. 制止,平息,延缓,继续,保持,坚持,忍耐详细释义n.1.停留,逗留 例句An experienced Indian guide is provided during your stay. 在你逗留期间为你配备了一名有经验的印度导游。He went straight to New York without a stay in Hongkong. 他直接去了纽约,没在香港停留。2.制止,延缓,停止;【法律】延期执行,中止诉讼程序 This will put a stay on their activities. 这将制止他们的活动。The prisoner was granted stay of execution because new facts in his case had come to light. 犯人被延缓执行,因为他的案子中有新情况。 3.依靠4.支柱,支撑物,支索 例句The stay on the mast was broken during the storm. 桅杆的支索在暴风雨中折断了。He is Napoleon’s stay and Danton’s resource. 他是拿破仑的支柱,丹东的后盾v.1.制止;平息;延缓 The bells were not enough to stay the wrath of the saints. 钟声已经不足以平息圣徒们的怒气了。He was stayed by the doctor. 他被医生制止了。2.停留,留下,暂住 His parents have no hard-and-fast rules about how late he can stay out. 他的父母对他在外可以逗留多晚并没有严格的规定。The boy paused, and looked back, but there was no time to stay. 那孩子站住,回头望了一眼,可是没有时间多停留。3.继续,保持 Is there a trick to getting this window to stay up? 有没有窍门能让窗户保持拉起着? If you want to stay healthy, you must exercise. 想要保持健康就得锻炼身体。 4.站住,停下,止住 Tell me, did you order him to stay? 告诉我,你有叫他站住吗?He tell me to stand still and stay where i be. 他命令我站住呆在原地。5.坚持,忍耐 I stayed to the end of the race. 我坚持跑完了全程。 The people stayed up all night and all the next day. 这些人一晚不睡,还要坚持第二天。楼主接好! 参考例句同反义词常用短语1.Stationary stay 点击发音中心架|固定支柱 收藏2.They need the money to stay solvent. 点击发音他们需要这笔钱来保持偿付能力。 收藏3.stay in teaching,journalism,etc 点击发音继续教书、从事新闻工作等 收藏4.These houses stayed up in the quake. 点击发音这些房子在地震中没有倒塌。 收藏5.This will put a stay on their activities. 点击发音这将制止他们的活动。 收藏


staying英 n. 刚性结合;撑法;加劲; 拉线v. 停留(stay的ing形式)短语STAYING ALIVE 生存 ; 龙飞凤舞 ; 任务无法完成 ; 生龙活虎staying power 持久力 ; 耐力 ; 正在翻译 ; 掌握主导权Staying Healthy 保持健康 ; 坚持安康 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 stayingvi.stay1的变形vt.stay2的变形stay3的变形stay1 vi.逗留,停留:Could you stay for a while?你能再待一会儿吗?Will you stay at Paris?你在巴黎会呆几天吗?词组短语同近义词staying power n. 忍耐,忍耐力;持久力You have to houseclean the room before your staying. 你在住进之前,得先打扫一下那间屋子。Where will we be staying and how about the food there? 我们会住在哪里? 还有,那里的食物怎么样?www.hxen.comThe budget crisis really dimmed my hopes of staying on. 预算危机真使我继续待下去的希望变得渺茫了。百科停留停留,表示暂时留在某处,不继续前进。同名美国电影由马克·福斯特导演,伊万·麦奎格、娜奥米·沃茨、瑞恩·高斯林主演,艾维联盟大学的一位心理学家(伊万麦克格雷戈 饰)在着手于一个学生(Ryan Gosling 饰)的治疗工作。该学生声称要在三天内自杀,并开始做奇怪而恐怖的预言,而且这些预言都灵验了。这让那位心理学家大惊失色。他在帮助那位学生时,发现他们正通过一连串噩梦般的故事游行于城市之间。

stay 和 staying当名词用的区别

stayn. 逗留;停止;支柱vi. 停留;坚持;暂住;停下vt. 坚持;暂住;抑制stayingn. 刚性结合;撑法;加劲; 拉线v. 停留(stay的ing形式)


staying英 1. 撑; 撑法2.stay 的现在分词,停留,暂住,逗留 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。


上一篇: 马齿苋是什么样子啊_马齿苋是什么

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