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  • scatter和disperse的用法有什么区别
  • scatter这个单词的意思记忆实在很无力,请高手帮我联想一下怎么记住意思
  • scatter的过去式
  • matlab 中scatter函数什么意思
  • scatter 是什么意思
  • 区分词义 scatter,disperse,spread,diffuse 用英文解释更好 谢谢
  • scatter spread spray的区别是什么
  • scatter这个单词的意思记忆实在很无力,请高手帮我联想一下怎么记住意思


scatter、disperse、dissipate、dispel、distract 这些具有分散意思的次的区别一起告诉你。 scatter 普通用词,可指物向四处“分散”、“散开”;也可指外力将人或物“驱散”。 scatter 的特点是侧重强调朝不同方向不规则地散开。 1)The shopping bag broke and everything I had bought scattered over thepavement.购物袋破了,我买的东西散落在人行道上。2)The pupils scatter in all direction to their respective homes after the schoolis over.放学后,学生们向各方向散去各自回家。3)She tore the rose apart and scattered the petals over the grave.她掰开玫瑰花,将花瓣撒在坟墓上。4)When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter树倒猢狲散。 5)The breeze scattered the leaves all over the garden.风把落叶吹得花园里遍地都是。6)A cold silvery mist had veiled the afternoon , and the moon was not yet scatter it.这天下午起了一片银白色的寒雾,这会儿月亮还没有将雾霭拨开。 ● 过去分词scattered还可表示“零零散散”、“散落”的意思。 1)The houses in the village are scattered on the slope of the hill.村里的房子零零散散座落在山坡上。2)All sorts of shells are scattered here and there on the beach.沙滩上到处散落着各种各样的贝壳。3)With the help of a metal detector, they discovered that the wreckage layscattered over 2000-square-feet area, buried beneath sand and seaweed.用金属探测器的帮助下,他们发现飞机残骸散落在2000平方英尺左右的区域,埋在沙子和海藻里。 disperse 与 scatter 一样指人或物等散开,多用于强调整体的离散。用于人时可表示有意识的离散。 1)The sun will disperse the mist.日出很快就会使浓雾消散。2)When dusts are at levels where little air is in motion, they do not dispersefor a long time.灰尘在空气流动不大的地方很长时间不会散开。3)All of a sudden a thunderstorm came up and dispersed / scattered thepicnickers in the park.突如其来下了一场雷雨,把在公园里野餐的人驱散了。4)Police fired shots and used teargas to disperse the demonstrators.警方鸣枪并使用催泪弹来驱散示威者。5)Groups of policemen were dispersed all along the street where the Queen wasto pass.警察沿着女王经过的街道散开。 dissipate也可表示人和物的散开和驱散人和物,另一有特点的用法是指精力、物力或财力等的散去,含浪费挥霍之意。 1)When it started to rain, the crowd quickly dissipated.天开始下雨了,人群很快散开。2)He tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window.他打开窗子,试图使房中的烟消散。3)Some form of resonator may be used to dissipate energy in an oscillatingfeed system.某些形式的谐振器可用来耗散供应系统内的振荡能量。4)His humorous remarks dissipated the tension in the meeting room.他幽默的讲话驱散了会议室里的紧张气氛。5)Despite his repeated apologies, his anger did not seem to dissipate at all.尽管他一再道歉,他的怒气似乎并没有消除。6)All these trivial matters dissipated much of our energy in the work.所有这些小事耗费我们的工作中的大部分精力。7)He quickly dissipated the wealth he inheritted from his father.他很快把从父亲努力谁继继承财产挥霍贻尽。 dispel 指一物使另一物分散消失。从“驱散”引申出“消除”疑虑、恐惧、误会等。 1)The wind soon dispelled the fog.风很快就把雾吹散了。2)The rising sun dispelled the darkness.初升的太阳驱散了黑暗。3)How can we dispel their doubts and fears?我们如何才能消除他们的怀疑和恐惧?4)Truth and frankness can dispel misunderstanding.诚实和坦率能消除误会。5)The company is trying to dispel rumour about a take-over.公司力图澄清有关接管的流言。6)The sort of new energy drink helps dispel fatigue and restore physicalstrength.这种新能量饮料能帮助驱除疲劳,恢复体力。 distract指注意力或精力分散,使分心,常与介词from 连用。 1)When the desk was placed facing the window, he found himself distracted fromhis work by the activities in the street.当将写字台放到面对窗外后,他发现自己受到街上活动干扰不再能注意力集中于工作。2)Although I tried to concentrate on my homework I was distracted by the noisefrom the next door.尽管尽力集中精力做作业,但是隔壁的噪声使我注意力集中不起来。3)His thoughts were distracted from his painful experience by the sudden arrival of one of his neighbors邻居的突然来访使他从回忆痛苦的经历中回过神来。4)Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from hishomework.汤姆承认玩电子游戏有时会使他无心做作业。5)Don’t let too many social activities distract you from your study不要让太多的社会活动分散你的学习的精力。


简单,就用谐音法。scatter发音[英] [ˈskætə] [美] [ˈskætɚ] ,读起来有点像“撕开它”——撕开它就是“(使)散开、(使)分散”,然后就“三三两两、零零星星、散落了”!——这不就记住了?O(∩_∩)O~


肯定是过去式啦. 在这个句子当中scattered充当谓语,如果理解成过去分词那就少谓语了.过去分词通常做非谓语结构,还有就是构成完成时态等·····

matlab 中scatter函数什么意思

  • scatter可用于描绘散点图。

  • scatter(X,Y),X和Y是数据向量,以X中数据为横坐标,以Y中数据位纵坐标描绘散点图,点的形状默认使用圈。例子:X = [1:10];Y = X + rand(size(X));scatter(X, Y)。

  • scatter(...,’filled’)描绘实心点。

  • scatter3(x,y,z)描绘三维图像。

scatter 是什么意思

vt.1. 使消散;使分散;使溃散The sun soon scattered the clouds.太阳不久驱散了云层。2. 撒;撒于...上;散布[(+on/over/with)]He scattered his clothes all over the floor.他把衣服扔了一地。(或:扔得满地都是。)3. 散播;撒播[(+over)]4. 【物】【军】散射vi.1. 消散;分散;溃散The crowd scattered when the police charged.当警察冲过来时,人群便散开了。2. 零落地出现3. (炮火等)散射n.1. 消散;分散;溃散[U]2. 散播;撒播[U]3. (炮火等)散射面[U]4. 零星散布的东西;稀疏;少量[S][(+of)]A scatter of applause reached him when he ended his speech.演讲结束时他听到稀稀拉拉的掌声。以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供

区分词义 scatter,disperse,spread,diffuse 用英文解释更好 谢谢


scatter spread spray的区别是什么















简单,就用谐音法. scatter发音[英] [ˈskætə] [美] [ˈskætɚ] , 读起来有点像“撕开它”——撕开它就是“(使)散开、(使)分散”,然后就“三三两两、零零星星、散落了”! ——这不就记住了?


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