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内容导航:1、Chinese restaurant 中餐馆常见食品和菜品的英语表达2、主菜菜谱英文

1、Chinese restaurant 中餐馆常见食品和菜品的英语表达


steamed bread 馒头

steamed twisted roll 花卷

steamed stuffed bun/baozi 包子

bean buns/steamed bun stuffed with red bean paste 豆沙包

steamed bun in triangular shape stuffed with sugar 糖三角

dumpling 饺子

steamed dumpling 蒸饺

pan-fried dumpling 锅贴

shao mai/shiu mai 烧麦

wonton 馄饨

omelet 煎蛋卷

boiled egg 煮蛋

poached egg 荷包蛋

scrambled egg 炒蛋

fried egg 煎蛋

sunny side up 只煎一面(另一面蛋黄是生的)

over easy 两面轻煎

over hard 两面煎熟

egg roll 蛋卷

spring roll 春卷

pancake 烙饼

steamed rice 蒸米饭

fried rice 炒饭

rice porridge 稀饭,粥

deep-fried dough sticks 油条

soybean milk 豆浆

fried noodle 炒面

noodle soup 汤面

salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋

marinated egg 卤蛋

glutinous rice balls 汤圆


hot pot 火锅

tofu home style 家常豆腐

mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐

sweet and sour fish 糖醋鱼

Kung Pao chicken 宫保鸡丁

braised pork 红烧肉

chop suey 杂碎

Peking (roast) duck 北京烤鸭

roasted whole lamb 烤全羊

assorted vegetable salad 乡村大丰收,什锦色拉

tomato and egg soup 番茄蛋花汤

Chinese cabbage and tofu soup 白菜豆腐汤

cream of mushroom soup 奶油蘑菇汤

spicy 辣的

salty 咸的

greasy 油的

vegetarian 素食主义者

vegetarian dish 素食


restaurant 餐馆,饭店

special 特色菜

customer 客人

coupon 优惠券

voucher 代金券

waiter 男服务员

waitress 女服务员

smoking p 吸烟区

nonsmoking p 禁烟区

menu 菜单

order 点菜

table cloth 桌布

napkin 餐巾

tissue 餐巾纸

chopsticks 筷子

toothpick 牙签

salt shaker 盐罐

bill 账单

pay 付账

invoice 发票


I would like to reserve a table for two in nonsmoking p. 我想在禁烟区预订一张两人桌子。

He is a regular customer here. 他是这里的常客。

That waiter is very unfriendly. 那个服务员很不友好。

What is today's special? 今日特色菜是什么?

Today's special is roast duck with rice. 今日特色菜是烤鸭饭。

I will have it with noodles instead of rice. 我来一份,带面条的而不是米饭。

Pan-fried dumplings are my favorite food. 锅贴是我最喜欢的食物。




1.北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck

2.辣子鸡丁 saute diced chicken with hot peppers

3.宫爆鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts

4.红烧鲤鱼 braised common carp

5.茄汁虾仁 saute fish slices with bamboo shoots

6.涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton

7.糖醋里脊 pork fillets with sweet&sour sauce

8.炒木须肉 saute shredded pork with eggs&black fungus

9.榨菜肉丝汤 pork with Sichuan cabbage soup

10.生炒肚片 saute fish maw slices

11.回锅肉 saute pork in hot sauce

12.糖醋排骨 saute chops with sweet&sour sauce

13.家常豆腐 fride beancurd with sliced pork&pepper

14.醋溜白菜 saute cabbage&pepper in sweet&sour sauce

15.鱼香茄子 saute eggplant with fish flavor

16 麻婆豆腐 stwed beancurd with minced pork in pepper sauce

17.韭菜炒蛋 saute leek sprouts&eggs



烧饼 Clay oven rolls

油条 Fried bread stick

韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings

水饺 Boiled dumplings

蒸饺 Steamed dumplings

馒头 Steamed buns

割包 Steamed sandwich

饭团 Rice and vegetable roll

蛋饼 Egg cakes

皮蛋 100-year egg

咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg

豆浆 Soybean milk

稀饭 Rice porridge

白饭 Plain white rice

油饭 Glutinous oil rice

糯米饭 Glutinous rice

卤肉饭 Braised pork rice

蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg

地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee

馄饨面 Wonton & noodles

刀削面 Sliced noodles

麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles

麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles

鸭肉面 Duck with noodles

鳝鱼面 Eel noodles

乌龙面 Seafood noodles

榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles

牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles

板条 Flat noodles

米粉 Rice noodles

炒米粉 Fried rice noodles

冬粉 Green bean noodle

鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup

贡丸汤 Meat ball soup

蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup

蛤蜊汤 Clams soup

牡蛎汤 Oyster soup

紫菜汤 Seaweed soup

酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup

馄饨汤 Wonton soup

猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup

肉羹汤 Pork thick soup

鱿鱼汤 Squid soup

花枝羹 Squid thick soup

爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin

糖葫芦 Tomatoes>长寿桃 Longevity Peaches

芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls

麻花 Hemp flowers

双胞胎 Horse hooves

小 吃

牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet

臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)

油豆腐 Oily bean curd

麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd

虾片 Prawn cracker

虾球 Shrimp balls

春卷 Spring rolls

蛋卷 Chicken rolls

碗糕 Salty rice pudding

筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding

红豆糕 Red bean cake

绿豆糕 Bean paste cake

糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes

萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty

芋头糕 Taro cake

肉圆 Taiwanese Meatballs

水晶饺 Pyramid dumplings

肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings

豆干 Dried tofu



1.北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck

2.辣子鸡丁 saute diced chicken with hot peppers

3.宫爆鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts

4.红烧鲤鱼 braised common carp

5.茄汁虾仁 saute fish slices with bamboo shoots

6.涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton

7.糖醋里脊 pork fillets with sweet&sour sauce

8.炒木须肉 saute shredded pork with eggs&black fungus

9.榨菜肉丝汤 pork with Sichuan cabbage soup

10.生炒肚片 saute fish maw slices

11.回锅肉 saute pork in hot sauce

12.糖醋排骨 saute chops with sweet&sour sauce

13.家常豆腐 fride beancurd with sliced pork&pepper

14.醋溜白菜 saute cabbage&pepper in sweet&sour sauce

15.鱼香茄子 saute eggplant with fish flavor

16 麻婆豆腐 stwed beancurd with minced pork in pepper sauce

17.韭菜炒蛋 saute leek sprouts&eggs



上一篇: 当一个男人心累的时候有什么表现,男人也有心累的时候(为什么性生活后的男人很累)

下一篇: 打疫苗不能洗澡的原因,幼猫养育指南(打完新冠疫苗不能洗澡)


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