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attach to(【英语】用attach to造句: 我们认为学好英语很重要)


  • 【英语】用attach to造句: 我们认为学好英语很重要
  • attach to和be attached to区别
  • attachto是什么意思及反义词
  • attach.. to..英语造句带翻译
  • attach to怎么记
  • attach to作“非常喜欢”讲时要用被动语态吗
  • attach to是什么意思
  • attachto是什么意思
  • attach to和connect with的区别是什么

【英语】用attach to造句: 我们认为学好英语很重要

These tools then attach to your rope.然后这些工具要扣在你的绳索上。In addition, growth hormone can attach to binding proteins.另外,生长激素可以粘附结合蛋白质。I’m from campus school attach to Capital Normal University.我来自首都师范大学附属实验学校。Plaque grows when bacteria attach to the tooth and begin multiplying.当细菌粘附到牙齿上并增值,菌斑就开始增长并开始。Any loss of Party B caused by decision variation must attach to Party A.若改变决定而对乙方造成损失时,其发生的费用由甲方承担。All of the devices attach to a hub are part of the same local area network.附属于一个网络集线器的所有的设备是同一个局域网的一部分。They generally attach to the spine, pelvis and muscles that support the scapula.这些肌肉一般与脊骨、盆骨以及与支持肩胛骨的肌肉相连。Attach to a shape and then enter dimension text to change the size of that shape.附加到一个形状上,然后输入尺寸文本以更改该形状的大小。If nonzero, the client won’t attach to new projects. Implemented on version 5.10+.如果非零,客户端将不会加入新的项目。对5.10以上的版本有效。“His visit shows the importance they attach to us, “ said Yang Gui, an economics student.“他的到访体现了他们对我们的重视,”经济系学生杨贵(音)表示。Okay, so what sort of limiting principle should lower courts attach to patent-application review?好了,那么下级法院应当将何种限制性原则附加于专利申请审查之上呢?The soleus originates on the upper tibia and fibula, then runs down the calf to attach to the heel.比目鱼肌起自胫骨和腓骨的上部,然后沿着小腿一直到脚后跟。Attach to secondary branches; pull handles for secondary branches with text input; subselect for text editing.连接到次要分支;拖动文本输入的次级分支的控制手柄;再选定以进行文本编辑。Botulism-related toxins attach to nerve endings, where they block their ability to trigger muscle contractions.肉毒中毒有关的毒素附着在神经末稍上,在那里它们可以切断引起肌肉收缩的反应能力。This interaction causes the cells to drop from the circulation and to roll along and attach to the artery wall.这个作用使得这些细胞从循环中脱队,而贴附在动脉壁上。Therefore, the nature and character of that development and the meaning we attach to it need to be carefully spelled out.因此,需要仔细地讲清发展的性质与特征以及我们所赋予它的含义。They are harmless individually until they attach to and enter cells, which they accomplish in a highly orchestrated fashion.在它们还没有以高度协调的方式结合到细胞表面并进入细胞之前,各个都是无害的。I hope my presence here tonight is further proof of the importance we in Britain attach to relations with your great country.我希望我今晚到这里来就可以更进一步地证明,我们英国重视和你们这个伟大国家的关系。The researchers added protein fragments called peptides that attach to the bacteria in topical infections such as burns and wounds.研究人员添加称之为肽的蛋白质碎片到附着在局部感染中的细菌上,如烧伤和创伤。The outer annular fibres are formed from fairly coarse collagen fibres and attach to the outer margin of adjacent vertebral bodies.外围环状纤维从相当粗糙的胶原蛋白形成并附著在相邻椎骨体外围边缘。They have incredible individual strength and the awesome ability to attach to the helicopter, CYCLONUS, to maximize their fighting power.他们拥有惊人的个人能力并且在和直升机狂飙结合后能够将他们的战斗力加到最大。One such area, located on the surface spikes used by HIV to attach to immune system cells and infect them, is called the CD4 binding site.其中之一就是位于与免疫系统细胞结合并加以感染的HIV表面棘突上的一个区域,该区域被称为CD4结合位点。I am not only mentally attach to you, not only somehow emotionally but so much physically too. How come all that happen in such a short time?我不仅仅在精神上对你有依赖,不仅仅在感情上还有好多身体上的依赖。如此短暂的时间内这一切是如何发生的?。IBM’s communications controllers, often called front-end processors. 3745 devices channel-attach to the mainframe and support connections to LANs and other FEPS.IBM通信控制器,通常称为前端处理器(FEP)。3745设备信道连接大型机,支持与局域网以及其他前端处理器(FEP)相连接。His affection was proved to have been sincere, and his conduct cleared of all blame, unless any could attach to the implicitness of his confidence in his friend.彬格莱对吉英一往情深,他的行为不应该受到任何指责,万一要指责的话,最多也只能怪他过分信任朋友。In this tricky and intense dance, people will attach to others they’ve just met, recognizing one another as soul mates, even beginning to talk, dress, and act alike.在这种狡猾而强烈的舞蹈中,人们会依附于他们刚认识的人们,将彼此视作灵魂伴侣,甚至开始在言谈、穿着、举止上相似起来。For small fields, air is a good insulator—electrons attach to oxygen atoms faster than they are knocked loose by collisions—and electric current cannot flow in any appreciable amount.对微弱的电场而言,空气是优良的绝缘体(电子附著到氧原子上的速度,大于受冲撞而游离的速度),并不会有可观的电流流通。

attach to和be attached to区别

用attach to,变形attached to

the middle school (which is) attached to the university


attach to

  • 结,系,贴;装;连接;

    A tag was attached to each article.


    He attached an aerial (或 antenna) to the radio.


  • 依附;参加(党派、团体等),使成为一分子,使在一起:

    He attached himeself to our group.


  • 认为有(重要性等),结合;联系:

    We attached no significance to his statement.


  • (使)属于;(使)归于,归因于;归属:

    The blame for this accident attaches to the man who destroyed the signal.


  • 使爱慕,使依恋,爱恋;使喜爱:

    He is ardently attached to his wife.


  • 隶属于,附属于:

    She was attached to the Chinese Embassy.


  • 附加(条件等);加(用法说明、附录、补遗等):

    an index attached to the dictionary

  • be attached to

  • (变得)喜欢,喜爱,爱慕,依恋,对…有感情

  • 隶属于;附属于

  • attachto是什么意思及反义词

    attach to[英] [əˈtætʃ tu:][美] [əˈtætʃ tu][词典](使)贴[系,粘]在…上; (使)相关; (使)牵连; (使)依附;[例句]In the solution, choose the debug menu and the attach to process menu item.在解决方案中,选择“调试”菜单和“附加到进程”菜单项。

    attach.. to..英语造句带翻译

    attach to1.fasten or join(one thing to another);be part of粘上;贴上;附属于Please attach the sample to the letter.请随信附上样品。Attach the handle to the box.把这个把手装在盒子上。This hospital is attached to a medical college.这家医院附属于一个医学院。2.belong to ; be attribute to属于 ;归于No suspicion can be attached to the accountant.没有理由怀疑这位会计。The main credit for the success of the test attaches to the thoroughness in their work.这次试验之所以成功,主要归功于他们工作中一丝不苟的精神。No blame attaches to him for the accident.责任不在他身上。3.join参加He attached himself to the group of climbers.他加入了爬山者的行列。He attached himself to the Party.他入党了。4.consider to have(importance,etc.)认为有(重要性)Do you attach much importance to what he says?你认为他说的话重要吗?5.be appointed to another unit for special duties任命;被派遣到另一单位担任特定任务Last week he was attached to chief manager.上星期他被任命为总经理。6.be bound to by love or affection 深爱;依恋She is deeply attached to her young brother.她深深地爱她的小弟。He is foolishly attached to old customs.他愚蠢地沿习着旧习俗。

    attach to怎么记

    attach to英 [əˈtætʃ tu:] 美 [əˈtætʃ tu] 词典(使)贴[系,粘]在…上; (使)相关; (使)牵连; (使)依附例句:They attach to a server, then join one or more channels. 它们连接到服务器,然后加入一个或多个信道。He was very attach to lausanne. 他对洛桑非常依恋。

    attach to作“非常喜欢”讲时要用被动语态吗

    attach to vt. 依附,附属;加入;使依恋;把…放在表示非常喜欢的时候,用法是:be attached to。但是这里的attached是形容词,意思有:附加的,附属的; 依恋的; 爱慕的;所以这个词组应该是系动词+形容词+介词的结构,例句:We’ve grown very attached to this village and wouldn’t want to move.我们渐渐喜欢上了这个村庄,不想离开了.

    attach to是什么意思

    一、attach to释义:

    vt. 依附,附属;加入;使依恋;把…放在


    1、attach cuff to sleeve 车袖头到袖子上 ; 车鸡英到袖子上 ; 车袖头到袖管上

    2、attach importance to pay 关注

    3、Attach Data to Blocks 将数据附着到图块上

    4、attach importance to sth 对某事非常重视 ; 认为某事物重要

    5、attach h to 使一连 ; 使属于 ; 附属于 ; 系上


    一、attach to同义词:hang onto



    1、Hang onto burning wires 倔强将火中之栗在手中紧握

    2、Hang Onto Your Hats 紧紧抓住你帽子

    3、Hang onto it 被

    4、Hang Onto Your Dreams 坚持你梦想



    attach 读法 英 [ə’tætʃ] 美 [ə’tætʃ]    

    v(动词). 附上;系上;贴上;使依附;使附属;使附着


    1、attach dearly亲切地依恋

    2、attach deeply深深地爱恋

    3、attach devotedly忠实地依恋

    4、attach devoutly诚挚地依附

    5、attach emotionally感情上依附




    2、attach可引申表示为爱或感情的束缚,即爱慕,依恋。attach还可表示“附属于”,在法律术语中, attach还可表示“依法扣留或查封”。



    1、attach much非常依恋

    2、attach very much十分依恋

    3、attach ardently紧紧地贴在一起

    4、attach conjugally夫妻间地依恋

    5、attach cynically愤世嫉俗地依恋

    attach to和connect with的区别是什么

    attach to表示“相关,依附” 一般表示一种人的关系 或者 物体的物理关系一般讲人 比如 They are very attached to each other.他们关系特别密切.但是也可以讲东西的附着关系,比如 The cheque is attached to the letter.支票已经被附在信件上了.而 connect with 是连接,一般讲的是电器,但是也可以说两个人的思维连接比如 I connect with her idea of.我对于她的这一想法有共鸣.


    上一篇: 梦见吃红薯是什么预兆,梦见吃红薯(有人叫它凉薯我却叫它地瓜)

    下一篇: 客户端、前端、后端、服务端的区别分别是什么?服务器和服务端的区别


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