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  • 自由军官组织的介绍
  • life is mobile and planets are gravitational traps inhabiting free movement的深层含义
  • 英语高手帮忙 翻译 急啊!
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  • 运动用英文怎么说
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自由军官组织(Free Officer's Movement) 是埃及民族主义军官的地下组织。第二次世界大战和巴勒斯坦战争时期,这个组织就开始秘密活动。

life is mobile and planets are gravitational traps inhabiting free movement的深层含义


英语高手帮忙 翻译 急啊!

Employment discrimination form the main � At present, China’s “employment discrimination is manifested in the following aspects. � Gender discrimination is sex discrimination in the longest history of discrimination, the most prominent problem. Many employers in the recruitment advertisements have publicly asked to specify “to be male, or“ men priority. Even in conditions of very good circumstances, simply because women often employing units gender issues were shut out. � Many employers age discrimination in recruitment, as a 35-year-old boundaries, “the 35-year-old often appeared in a large number of recruitment advertisements restrictive conditions. Job seekers were aged 40 and 50 years old is more employment difficulties, and formed a unique to China “in 4050. � Academic discrimination employing units talent high consumption has been very prominent phenomenon, and many employers regardless of the objective needs of one-sided pursuit of higher education. Another extreme phenomenon it is that some employers do not move high level of education, on the contrary inverted asked to be “following undergraduate,“ tertiary, and so on. � Some facial discrimination in the selection of candidates employing units, preference looks good and not good results. Many female university students to find a job inadvertently learning, are busy with make-up dress, and even shooting the album is very exposed to “privileges resume. � Some of the employing units account discrimination requirements candidates must have local accounts. Some even local governments are also adding fuel to the flames, in flagrant violation of national policy, intervention in the area of employment employing units autonomous right to require the employing units preference locals. � Some history of discrimination employing units fail to pay attention to examine how the actual level of candidates, but too much emphasis on the curriculum vitae of job-seekers, such as explicitly put forward a student work experience, such as the preference. � Experience discrimination Some employers refuse to recruit fresh graduates, candidates must require working experience. � Health discrimination against people with all kinds of employment discrimination by Needless to say, there are some people carrying the virus have also been discriminated against. Such as “discrimination against hepatitis B, has already caused more than 100 million Hepatitis B virus carriers in the country to the strong reaction of fact, no infectious hepatitis B virus infection is employment. Accordance with the“ National Hepatitis Control Programme “, B Apart from the liver virus carriers can not be directly involved in blood donation and the entrance of food and mothers work, as usual, can work. � Standing on the discrimination many units have height restrictions, and if the employing units一米七provides no less than men, not women, such as less than 1 m 6. � Deal with “employment discrimination measures � Faced with the growing “employment discrimination, the community on whether there should be legislative norms diametrically opposed views. One is advocating legislation to give the Government power to intervene; not an advocate of legislation to interfere in the employing units employing autonomy. Latter the main point is that the survival of the fittest is the law of the market, if the legal restrictions on employing units developed autonomy, and is employing units unfair. � I also believe that employment discrimination against the most fundamental way is not legislation, the role of the market is the most fundamental way. That is, when employment opportunities increased, balance of supply and demand for labor relations or shortage of time, employment discrimination will be fundamentally improved. In addition, with the employing units on the market in the survival of the fittest, employing units, more rational concept of employment discrimination will be reduced gradually. Therefore, I believe that the Government should strive to increase employment opportunities, so as to ease the serious problem of “employment discrimination. At the same time and take a variety of other measures, such as improving the quality of enterprise management, enterprise change the irrational use concepts; crack down on local protectionism, and insist the establishment of national reunification of the free movement of labour market mechanisms有些语法问题你需要自己调整一下。


In the first view of the Tokyo Tower See lights imitate falling Stars I finally arrived but more grief We have completed a dream You always say that there is still a lot of time and you can wait for me. I do not know how the past may not be there after tomorrow Missing is the pain which can breathe and it lives in all corners of me Singing the songs you love,seeing your letters and even keeping silence will be painful. Regret is the pain which can breathe in the blood flowing back and rolling Regreting not caring and hating not understanding you are painful and the most paiful one is desiring to see you but not achieving. I did not see the face of the publicity sadness That is kind of how lonely stubborn You demolition of the wall to let me stray In their place, and so I bundled You did not say you will need to rely on the weakness I I pretend not to know that the free movement of self - I swear a lie no longer love you more than you will have more stringent I smile at all the soul like you are floating in good enough I swear not let you waiting for to accompany you do want to do no matter what I am becoming more and more like shellfish Boxin was touching your back it well





1、n. 运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼

2、vt. 锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐

3、vi. 运动;练习

morning exercise晨练 

exercise aandal健康鞋 

exercise therapy运动疗法


1、Good health depends upon good food, exercise, and getting enough sleep.


2、Free composition as an exercise has its limitation.





1、n. 行使;锻炼;运动健身

2、v. 运动;运用(exercise的ing形式);练习


1、Exercising Module习题模组

2、Exercising Influence影响力

3、exercising habit锻炼习惯

4、Exercising restraint知止节欲

5、exercising price行权价


free mobility自由流动flow freely, as of air or liquids.像空气或液体一样自由流动。Free movement of workers within the European Community在欧洲共同体内部工人的自由流动Residual pressure opposing the free flow of a gas or liquid, as in a pipe or an exhaust system.余压阻止气体或液体自由流动的剩余压力,如在管道或废气排放系统中Besides, the forms of international capital free flow have undergone tremendous changes, yet the areas where transnational merger and acquisition take place can not be opened up in China because of the lack of necessary conditions. 同时,国际资本自由流动的形式发生了重大变化,跨国并购所发生的领域在我国尚不具备对外开放条件;With regard to the labor market, rural surplus laborers are allowed to enter some trades in the cities, more and more urban employees are able to transfer to other jobs freely, and various kinds of job centers have emerged accordingly. 在劳务市场方面,准许农村剩余劳动力走进城市的部分行业,越来越多的城镇职工能够自由流动,各种人才交流中心应运而生。


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