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  • identity的派生词,如形容词,副词,动词等
  • 相同的英文形容词
  • 英语写作中表示转折、过渡、转变的词语
  • 字母i发【ai】的单词有哪些
  • tale likes什么意思
  • identically 是修饰the same ,那这两个意思一样,会不会重复了
  • 与indentifity相关的所有单词变形
  • “相同”的英文单词same和Identical的区别在哪里
  • identically vanishing是什么意思



identify 读法  英 [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]  美 [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] 

vt. 确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出;使参与;把……看成一样

vi. 确定;认同;一致


identify element 全同元件 ; 识别单元 ; 识别元英语 ; 识别元

Identify Root Cause 查明原因

Hardware Identify 硬件检测工具 ; 硬件识别工具 ; 硬件设备检测工具


identify既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以“as+ n.”作补足语的复合宾语;用作不及物动词时常与with连用表示“同情…”。


identify作不及物动词时,指心理上的“认同”,例:identify oneself with(认同于……);



Identical:[ ai’dentikəl ] a.相同的,同一的 词形变化: 副词:identically 名词:identicalness 例句与用法: 1.Your appearance is identical to hers. 你的相貌和她的一模一样. 2.This is the identical hotel we stayed at last year. 这就是我们去年住过的旅馆. 3.The two systems are,in effect,identical. 这两种制度实际上一模一样. same:[ seim ] a.同样的 ad.同样地 pron.同样的人或事 例句与用法: 1.Father sits in the same chair every evening. 父亲每晚都坐在同一张椅子上, 2.Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样. 3.I resigned on Friday and left that same day. 我星期五辞职后当天就离开了. 4.He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave. 他称赞我工作好,刚说完这话就让我离职. 名字的话用 same 好一些,the same name 以上是一些用法,自己体会一下


Addition(在原有的东西上增加更多的信息啊,之类的时候用的):also, again, as well as, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarlyConsequence(前面说了一堆的时候总结用的):accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, for this purpose, hence, otherwise, so then, subsequently, therefore, thus, thereupon, whereforeGeneralizing(概括哈..):as a rule, as usual, for the most part,generally, generally speaking, ordinarily, usuallyExemplifying(举例说明的时候用的..):chiefly, especially, for instance, in particular, markedly, namely, particularly, including, specifically, such asIllustration(也是举例用的..):for example, for instance, for one thing, as an illustration, illustrated with, as an example, in this caseEmphasis(加重语气.比如说,在表达一件事情的时候说的“特别是“..就是属于这个了):above all, chiefly, with attention to, especially, particularly, singularlySimilarity(对比差不多的东西的..):comparatively, coupled with, correspondingly, identically, likewise, similar, moreover, together withException(除了...):aside from, barring, besides, except, excepting, excluding, exclusive of, other than, outside of, saveRestatement(重述..):in essence, in other words, namely, that is, that is to say, in short, in brief, to put it differentlyContrast and Comparison(对比不一样的东西):contrast, by the same token, conversely, instead, likewise,on one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, rather,similarly, yet, but, however, still, nevertheless, in contrastSequence(在文章里面..按照时间顺序排事情的时候用的..):at first, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, at the same time,for now, for the time being, the next step, in time, in turn, later on,meanwhile, next, then, soon, the meantime, later, while, earlier,simultaneously, afterward, in conclusion, with this in mind, Summarizing(总结):after all, all in all, all things considered, briefly, by and large, in any case, in any event, in brief, in conclusion, on the whole, in short, in summary, in the final analysis, in the long run, on balance, to sum up, to summarize, finallyDiversion(在原有的文章上面增加什么突然间想起来的东西的..):by the way, incidentallyDirection(方向啊,之类的..):here, there, over there, beyond, nearly, opposite, under, above,to the left, to the right, in the distance





读音:英 [ə’waɪl] 美 [ə’waɪl]    

adv. 片刻;一会儿

We all huddled together for awhile in silence.



读音:英 [’baɪsɪkl]  美 [’baɪsɪkl]    

n. 自行车 vi. 骑自行车

He beguiled me into lending him my bicycle.



读音:英 [’aɪrəni]  美 [’aɪrəni]    

n. 反讽;讽剌之事

Irony was widely used in the works of Kafka and LuXun.



读音:英 [maɪnd] 美 [maɪnd]    

n. 头脑;精神;心;想法;意见;心思;注意力;有才智的人;记忆;心情;理智;[宗]追思弥撒;上帝

v. 留心;注意;专心于;介意;照顾

An idea suddenly occurred to my mind.



读音:英 [aɪ’dɪə] 美 [aɪ’diːə]    

n. 主意;想法;印象;意见;看法;观念;感觉;目标

He has some very strange ideas about education.


tale likes什么意思

先分析这个句子的结构: 句子主干:A child likes to have it(指a tale) retold in ...words,but ...text.是一个并列句. 其中,likes 为谓动.to have it retold 是不定式作likes的宾语,in ...words作方式状语. who has once been pleased with a tale 是定语从句,修饰A child. as a rule是状语.but后是另一分句. 因此,tale likes不能连在一起来理解,它们应分开理解.has been pleased with a tale/ likes to have it retold . in identically不是一个词组,in the same words才是一个短语,意为“用同样的话“. identically是副词作状语. to have it retold in identically the same words的主语就是A child. 语法点:have sth.done 让某事被做. have it retold 就是让故事(a tale)被重新讲述. in identically the same words作方式状语. treat printed fairy stories texts.有错,就为 to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. 因此texts不是放在fairy stories后面的. printed印刷的,已印好的(作定语修饰fairy stories) printed fairy stories 指印刷出版的童话故事 句意:一般说来,喜欢童话故事的孩子,喜欢重复听同一个故事,即使一字不变,但这不应该让父母把童话故事书当作神圣的文本.(指一字不变地照着童话故事书给孩子讲故事.这样不好.父母应该对故事做一番讲解,这样效果会更好.) 这个是阅读题里的句子,这是高中水平中难度较大的阅读题.

identically 是修饰the same ,那这两个意思一样,会不会重复了

identically the same 在这里是近义词或同义词叠加,表示强调. 在此句中,强调“完全一样,一字不差“. 又如: He is dressed in an identically similar one. 他穿了一件相同的衣服. sacred前面不用加定冠词the! 因为sacred texts在此句中表示泛指. 而复数名词表示泛指时,是不需要加任何冠词的. 所以sacred前面不用定冠词the.


identical [aiˈdentikəl]a.(to,with)相同(等)的;同一的identification [aiˌdentifiˈkeiʃən]n.身份证明;鉴定,验明,认出;认同identify [aiˈdentifai]vt.认出,鉴定;把…等同于 vi.认同identity [aiˈdentiti]n.身份;个性,特性;同一性,一致性identically [ai’dentikli] adv. 同一地, 相等地


Identical: [ ai’dentikəl ] a. 相同的,同一的词形变化: 副词:identically 名词:identicalness 例句与用法: 1. Your appearance is identical to hers. 你的相貌和她的一模一样。 2. This is the identical hotel we stayed at last year. 这就是我们去年住过的旅馆。 3. The two systems are, in effect, identical. 这两种制度实际上一模一样。 same: [ seim ] a. 同样的ad. 同样地pron. 同样的人或事例句与用法: 1. Father sits in the same chair every evening. 父亲每晚都坐在同一张椅子上, 2. Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样。 3. I resigned on Friday and left that same day. 我星期五辞职后当天就离开了。 4. He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave. 他称赞我工作好,刚说完这话就让我离职。 名字的话用 same 好一些,the same name以上是一些用法,自己体会一下

identically vanishing是什么意思

identically vanishing 恒等于零A vanishing point. The illusion of convergence.那相交点正在消失,是对会合的幻觉。Vanish in dark, the empty apparition!消失在黑暗之中把,空虚的幻影!The children were dressed identically.孩子们的穿着完全一样。Our funds have reached (the) vanishing point.我们基金即将用尽了。


上一篇: 参加婚宴适合穿什么样的衣服,参加婚礼穿什么衣服(颜值惊艳好像人鱼公主)

下一篇: vector 用法(vector的具体用法)



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