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benefited(benefitsd 是什么意思)


  • benefitsd 是什么意思
  • benifit是什么词性的它的形容词是什么
  • benefit怎么读
  • 有人能帮忙解释benefittd和behefited有什么区别吗,这两个都是benefit的过去式
  • benefited/benefitted是什么意思
  • 关于 benefit 的固定短语,为什么是“sb benefit from sth”而不是“sb be benefit from sth”

benefitsd 是什么意思

benefit英 n.利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽;vt.有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益;Law is established for the benefit of man.法律是为人类的利益而定制。第三人称单数:benefits 复数:benefits 现在分词:benefitting 过去式:benefitted 过去分词:benefited 形近词: benefin benefic




benefit 生词本简明释义n.利益,好处;救济金,津贴;义演,义卖;恩惠,恩泽vt.有益于,有助于;使受益;得益,受益复数:benefits第三人称单数:benefits过去式:benefitedbenefitted过去分词:benefitedbenefitted现在分词:benefitingbenefitting易混淆的单词:Benefit以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-VAR好处;益处;裨益The benefit of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage that results from it. Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor...各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。I’m a great believer in the benefits of this form of therapy...


Benefited vs. BenefittedThe quick answer is that both of them are acceptable. However, you might wonder why the double T version exists in the first place. What’s the rule for doubling the final consonant for the simple past? For regular verbs, you double the last consonant when a one-syllable verb ends in a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern. If a verb has more than one syllable, you double the last consonant if it is in a stressed syllable. Does benefit fit the rule?Is the ending in a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern? Yes, F-I-T are the last three letters. Is the verb one syllable? No, benefit is three syllables. So now, you would only double the last consonant if it’s stressed. Is it stressed? That answer is not so cut-and-dried. Benefit sounds a little different in British and American English. Some say that the final F-I-T is unstresssed in American English. By that criterion, you can write the past tense of benefit as benefited. In the United States, this is the most common way to spell it.Why would anyone spell benefitted with a double T? Well, even native English speakers might not know all the rules that govern the language. Another verb, fit, does double the T in the past tense because it is one syllable. So it’s easy to see why people might think benefit is like fit in the past tense. Others say the final syllable of benefit receives a secondary stress, so perhaps that’s reason enough to apply the stressed last syllable rule.


benefitedv. 受益(benefit的过去式);adj. 受益的Benefited 受益的,获益匪浅Us benefited 使我们受益非浅benefited subject 利益主体benefitted适合于...(benefit的过去式和过去分词);对...有利;有益于...更多释义》》 benefitted a lot 很多受惠APP benefitted in two ways 亚洲浆纸从两个方面得益了be benefitted by mutual discussion 集合思路和意见你的认可是我解答的动力,请采纳......

关于 benefit 的固定短语,为什么是“sb benefit from sth”而不是“sb be benefit from sth”

如果 benefit 的主语是人,它的意思是“得益于/受益于”,属于自动词,也就是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。

如果 benefit 的主语是物,它的意思则是“使某人受益”,属于他动词,也就是及物动词,可以用 被动语态 (sb.) be benefit by sth. 表示。


Benefit dandelion蒲公英粉 ; 蒲公英蜜粉

external benefit外部收益 ; 外部利益 ; 收益外泄

benefit clusters利益群体 ; 长处群体 ; 益处群体

benefit tax受益税 ; 保险赔款税 ; 一种受益税 ; 收益税

benefit performance义演 ; 为正义或公益事业筹款而演出 ; 缞

benefit headlines利益式标题 ; 好处式标题 ; 利益式

benefit premium福利津贴 ; 详细翻译

pension benefit抚恤金福利 ; 退休津贴 ; 退休金福利 ; 退休费

financial benefit结算期 ; 财务效益


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