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  • 欢迎晚会用英语怎么说
  • 怎么办好一场farewellparty
  • have a farewell party是什么意思
  • 小学英语作文farewell party(告别晚会)
  • Farewell Party 歌词
  • “A farewell party”的英语作文
  • 今日热词翻译:“散伙饭”英语怎么说
  • 写一篇farewell party 80词 英语作文 带翻译
  • 欢送会用英语怎么说




farewell partyn. 欢送会;惜别会 farewell party 惜别会,欢送会,告别会The Farewell Tea Party 欢送茶会farewell dinner party 散伙饭,年年散伙饭

have a farewell party是什么意思

have a farewell party举行一次告别宴会a farewell party告别晚会双语对照例句:1.Perhaps a farewell party instead? 或许,给你办一场欢送派对?

小学英语作文farewell party(告别晚会)

It was a farewell party the other I’m sad. Time is very fast. Now in sixth grade, about to leave elementary school. I cried, the door side and the students drink. We are very sad, and we hold together. We all wish each other after the other to be happy, they left the phone to each other. Then we posed for pictures with a souvenir. The instructors also bless our academic progress, we reluctantly to leave the school site team这是一场另我难过的离别派对。时间是非常快的。现在已经六年级了,快要离开小学了。我哭着,一边和同学门喝饮料。大家都很伤心,我们抱在了一起。大家都互相祝福对方以后要快乐,都留了电话给对方。然后大家一起拍照留作纪念。最后老师还祝福我们学业上取得 进步,我们恋恋不舍的离开了派队地点It was a farewell party the other I’m sad. Time is very fast. Now in sixth grade, about to leave elementary school. I cried, the door side and the students drink. We are very sad, and we hold together. We all wish each other after the other to be happy, they left the phone to each other. Then we posed for pictures with a souvenir. The instructors also bless our academic progress, we reluctantly to leave the school site team

Farewell Party 歌词

歌曲名:Farewell Party歌手:Gene Watson专辑:Reflections / Should I Come HomeArtist: AvantasiaTitle: FarewellDays had come, winters had gone,and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise.I was your knight, holding you tightas a brother when I saw your crying eyes.Time went by and we had to say goodbye.Staring up to the clouds aboveChildren - so little and sad.Hoping the saints could help one dayLead us together again.Holding the key to the alley of dreamsstill in hands.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.Stepbrother tell me where have you beenwhen they brought me to this godforsaken place.Sign of the cross - they took me awayfor healing with herbs by the way of grace.Now I wait for the day to feed the flames.I have been caught in a cage of despair.My heart as a monk’s cell so empty and bare.But no holy water can make meforget you again...Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.Time telling me to say farewellbut I knew that I would fight helland I knew: We willgo for another time we can see,for another time we’ll be free,for no more farewell.No farewell could be the last one.http://music.baidu.com/song/2604486

“A farewell party”的英语作文




  • Farewell Dinner

  • Farewell Party

  • Farewell Drink 

表示与大家道别(farewell party/dinner/drink etca party or dinner that you have because someone is leaving a job, city etc)!如:

  • On this night, we decided to have a reunion farewell dinner.    

  • 这一天,大家决定来一餐团圆告别宴饭。

  • On this day, it was Mary’s farewell party.    

  • 这一天是玛琍的欢送会。

  • She  left after her farewell drink.

  • 她在惜别宴後离开。

写一篇farewell party 80词 英语作文 带翻译

It was a farewell party the other I’m sad. Time is very fast. Now in sixth grade, about to leave elementary school. I cried, the door side and the students drink. We are very sad, and we hold together. We all wish each other after the other to be happy, they left the phone to each other. Then we posed for pictures with a souvenir. The instructors also bless our academic progress, we reluctantly to leave the school site team


欢送会的英文:farewell party

farewell 读法 英  





1、Farewell China 爱在别乡的季节 ; 爱在他乡的季节 ; 外文名称

2、Farewell Wpeech 致词 ; 上一篇

3、Farewell cambridge 再别康桥

4、Farewell Poem 诀别诗 ; 决别诗

5、Farewell time 告别时间 ; 告别的时间



1、bid farewell to sb向某人告别

2、kiss sb farewell吻别

3、make sb’s farewells道别

4、say farewell辞别

5、wave a farewell挥手告别


goodbye, farewell, so long, bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:

goodbye用于暂别的场合; cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中; farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语; bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用; so long是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。


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