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  • 饱食终日,无所用心的英语释义及用法
  • bellful什么意思,是英语单词吗
  • 形容生气的词语
  • 我五年级下学期做了过分的事情用英语怎么说
  • a bellyful of sth
  • 过分用英语怎么说你别做的太过分了,用英语怎么说
  • “肚子”的英文单词怎么读
  • 肚子的英语单词怎么拼
  • a bellyful of


英语释义:A bellyful of gluttony will never study willingly.示例:1、Just sleep and sleep, and eat and play and fuss and sleep again.我们却在睡大觉,只是饱食终日,无所用心,吃了睡,睡了吃。2、This idler was sated with food and remained idle.这个懒汉饱食终日,无所用心。


The Great Wall is famous all over the world, it is one of the most remarkable symbols of China, it has long history. But as there are more and more people to visit the famous building, it has been damaged to some degree. In order to protect the great building, we should not throw away the rubbish and do not make some marks, so that we can enjoy the great building.长城举世闻名,它也是中国的一个显著标志,长城有很长的历史。但是随着越来越多的人参观这座著名的建筑物,长城在一定程度上受到了破坏。为了保护长城,我们不应该到处乱扔垃圾,不要做标记,这样我们才能欣赏这座伟大的建筑。




答:我五年级下学期做了过分的事情。I did a lot of things next semester in grade five.重点词汇释义年级grade; year学期school term; term; semester过分excessive; undue; bellyful; go too far事情affair; matter; thing; business

a bellyful of sth

a bellyful of sth 这里的bellyful 已经不再是形容了,而是名词,不信去查一下,你会发现bellyful有两个词性a + n. of sth 是个很普通的修饰性短语,其他例子还有:a mouthful of (bread) 满嘴面包a plateful of (beans) 满盘子豆子a roomful of (people) 满屋子的人a handful of (people) on the street 街上没几个人



  • enjoy too excessively

  • excessive; undue; bellyful; go too far; overdo

  • 你别做的太过分了:

    You don’t do it too much


    • 过分的要求

      excessive demands;

    • 过分的苛求

      a requisition from semele;

    • 过分强调

      put undue stress on; overemphasize;

    • 过分自信

      overconfidence in oneself;

    • 做得太过分

      go too far; overdo sth.;

    • 过分讲究


    肚子英文发音:tummy ; tripe短语:踩肚子 Securitystomach;Steponthestomach肚子好痛 Stomachhurts;StomachIthurts;Itreallyhurtsmystomach满肚子 bellyful例句:1、他的肚子在皮带上凸出来。His stomach bulgedout over his belt. 2、当你吃掉了盘子里的食物时,这些细菌就会进入你的肚子。When you eatoff the plate,all of those bacteria go into your stomach. 3、他卷到他的肚子处。He rolls to his stomach.


    【肚子英语】(腹部) abdomenpaunchtummy tripestomachbauchbelly【短语】肚子好痛 Stomach It hurts ; Stomach hurts ; It really hurts my stomach踩肚子 Security stomach ; Step on the stomach满肚子 bellyful肚子推杆 belly putter饿肚子 Nothing肚子白米 White Belly Rice肚子僵尸 squashes zombies熟肚子 tanked tripes肚子痛 stomachache ; bellyache ; Stomach pain ; sakit perut【例句】1、他的肚子在皮带上凸出来。His stomach bulged out over his belt. 2、刀子刺穿了敌人的肚子。The knife penetrated enemy’s stomach. 3、一杯又一杯的酒灌进了他的肚子。Much wine was swizzled down into his belly.

    a bellyful of

    是的bellyful的英文解释是An undesirable or unendurable amount:过量,过分:不想要的或无法忍受的数量含有不太喜欢的讨厌的味道比如a bellyful of criticism.过分的批评


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