1、珧柱芥菜/Mustard Green with Con-Poy锅粑虾仁/Fry Sh rimPwith D riedFried Rice蚝油鲍鱼/Abalone in Oyste rSauce炒什锦/Fry Vegetables干贝芥菜/Xan-Tong Roast Chicken 百合虾仁/Fry Sh rimPwith Lily蛤蜊丝瓜/Clam and Loofah香辣海瓜子/Clam and Loofah冬瓜盅/Winte r Melon Cup豆腐沙锅/Bean curd in Sand Pot竹荪香菇鸡/Xan-Tong Roast Chicken成蚬仔/Pickled Shell凉拌小黄瓜/Cold Dre ssed Cucmber碧兰鱿鱼/Vegeta rian Squid withGreen Vegetables冬菇菜心/Black Mush room andPickle sour Kale什锦藕片/Lotus Roots Asso rtedVegetables糖醋鱼片/Sweet Vinegar Fish Fillet粉蒸肉/Steam Meat白果虾仁/Fry Nut with Sh rimP酱爆猴菇/Sante Monkey-HeadMush roomS红烧豆腐/Simmer Be an curd罗汉斋/Vegeta rian Meal fo r Budd hism芦笋百合/Aspa ragus with Lily双菇烩虾仁/Fry Mush room wilhShrimp翡翠鲍鱼/Abalone Mush room with Vegetables 炸蔬菜/Fry Vegetables宫保鲜鱿/Spicy Vegeta rian Squid糖醋油条/Sweet-Vinega r friedtwisted dolgh烩双冬/Fry Mush rooms with Bamboo Shoots烩海参/Braise Trepang葱油鸡/Scallion Chicken酥炸翅腿/Fied Little Drumsticks串烤/B.B.Q.干煎鲑鱼/Pan Fried salmon豆豉蒸排骨/Ste amed RibS with Soy Bean清蒸蟹/Ste amed C rab铁板烧/Teppangaki。