1、 夏天再见,秋天你好,愿你在春华秋实的岁月里成为更好的自己。
Good-bye in summer and good-bye in autumn、 May you be the best of yourself in the spring and autumn years、
2、 秋天你好,愿所有的美好都不期而遇。
Hello in autumn, I hope all the good things will meet unexpectedly、
3、 转眼夏天变成了故事,秋天变成了风景。
In a blink of an eye, summer has become a story, and autumn has become a landscape、
4、 秋天连打喷嚏都是“爱秋。”
Even sneezing in autumn is love autumn、
5、 秋天到了喔,夏天的不甘该通通放下了。
Autumn is coming, I dare not open in summer, all put down、
6、 秋天来了,适合想念,在下次见面之前要好好努力喔。
Autumn is coming, suitable for missing, you should work hard before you meet next time、
7、 秋天格外惹人喜爱,那红红的,甜甜的,大大的果实让庄家伯伯们都笑开了脸。
Autumn is particularly lovable, and the red, sweet and big fruit makes the uncles laugh and open their faces、
8、 不知道凉风是什么时候吹起的,把我们的夏天瞬间扼杀在遗憾里。
I dont know when the cool breeze is blowing, killing our summer in a moment of regret、
9、 不知不觉已是秋,忙忙碌碌又一年。
Unconsciously, it is autumn, busy for another year、
10、 我可以再等你一个夏天,但秋天你一定要来啊。
I can wait for you for another summer, but you must come in the fall、
11、 秋风过处,五谷飘香。那一片片庄稼,远看,好似翻滚着千层波浪;近看,稻谷笑弯了腰,高粱涨红了脸,玉米乐开了怀。
The autumn wind passed, the grain was fragrant, and the piece of crops looked like a thousand layers of waves、 When I looked at the rice, I smiled and bent over, the sorghum turned red, and the corn was happy、
12、 落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。
The sunset and the lonely fly together, and the autumn water is a long day、
1、 这个夏天终究是结束了,遗憾就留给下一个夏天去填充吧。夏天再见,秋天你好!
2、 下几次雨,夏天就结束了。等我反应过来的时候,一年就这样走完了三分之二。夏天再见,秋天你好!
3、 风吹在身上渐渐真切的薄凉,夏就要结束了,秋来了!夏天再见,秋天你好!
4、 一直觉得夏天是最漫长的季节,也总会习惯性的在这个季节里去计划着很多事,但结果总是用“热”给一个个的打发了,等到我缓过神儿去回想这个夏天,却发觉夏天已经悄无声息的结束了。夏天再见,秋天你好!
5、 尽管夏天总有结束的时候,可明年还会有新的夏天,不是吗?夏天再见,秋天你好!
6、 在夏天结束之前,我要把一整个夏天的记忆都封存,期待下个夏天的到来!夏天再见,秋天你好!
7、 夏天快结束了,这一走像是时间流逝,像失去,像要与过去告别...夏天再见,秋天你好!
8、 夏天就要结束了,初秋的风卷起第一片落叶,但还好,你一直都在。夏天再见,秋天你好!
9、 早上的雨闻着味是秋天的雨。夏天再见,秋天你好!
10、 蝉鸣整个夏天,你只用了一句再见。夏天再见,秋天你好!
1、 夏天再见,秋天你好,愿你在春华秋实的岁月里成为更好的自己。
Good-bye in summer and good-bye in autumn、 May you be the best of yourself in the spring and autumn years、
2、 秋天你好,愿所有的美好都不期而遇。
Hello in autumn, I hope all the good things will meet unexpectedly、
3、 转眼夏天变成了故事,秋天变成了风景。
In a blink of an eye, summer has become a story, and autumn has become a landscape、
4、 秋天连打喷嚏都是“爱秋。”
Even sneezing in autumn is love autumn、
5、 秋天到了喔,夏天的不甘该通通放下了。
Autumn is coming, I dare not open in summer, all put down、
6、 秋天来了,适合想念,在下次见面之前要好好努力喔。
Autumn is coming, suitable for missing, you should work hard before you meet next time、
7、 秋天格外惹人喜爱,那红红的,甜甜的,大大的果实让庄家伯伯们都笑开了脸。
Autumn is particularly lovable, and the red, sweet and big fruit makes the uncles laugh and open their faces、
8、 不知道凉风是什么时候吹起的,把我们的夏天瞬间扼杀在遗憾里。
I dont know when the cool breeze is blowing, killing our summer in a moment of regret、
9、 不知不觉已是秋,忙忙碌碌又一年。
Unconsciously, it is autumn, busy for another year、
10、 我可以再等你一个夏天,但秋天你一定要来啊。
I can wait for you for another summer, but you must come in the fall、
11、 秋风过处,五谷飘香。那一片片庄稼,远看,好似翻滚着千层波浪;近看,稻谷笑弯了腰,高粱涨红了脸,玉米乐开了怀。
The autumn wind passed, the grain was fragrant, and the piece of crops looked like a thousand layers of waves、 When I looked at the rice, I smiled and bent over, the sorghum turned red, and the corn was happy、
12、 落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。
The sunset and the lonely fly together, and the autumn water is a long day、