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must和mustnot的区别,must must to 区别(17:must)

关于【must和mustnot的区别】,must must to 区别,今天犇涌小编给您分享一下,如果对您有所帮助别忘了关注本站哦。

内容导航:1、新概念二 Lesson 17:must 与have to的辨析2、must和mustnot的区别

1、新概念二 Lesson 17:must 与have to的辨析

新概念二 L17 :must 与have to的辨析

must 是情态动词

表示:1. “必须”,用于一般疑问句时,否定回答用needn't或not have to;否定式是mustn't “禁止;绝对不能”。 例句:We must be careful when crossing the street.

Must I hand in my homework today? Yes, you must. No, you needn't/don't have to

It's no parking area. You mustn't park your car here. Or you will receive a ticket.

2. “一定是”,表示猜测,只用于陈述句的肯定句。否定句中表示“不可能是”,用can't。

例句:He must belong to the soccer club.

It must be Tony's bag. There is his name on it.

The man at the school gate can't be our headmaster. He is having a meeting in his office.

have to do sth. 也是一种特殊的情态动词。


例句:We couldn't afford to take a taxi. So we had to walk home.

Now it's nearly 8 o'clock. You have to hurry up. Or you will miss the train.

The weather forecast says it will be rainy tomorrow. The children will have to stay indoors.


must表示必须;must not表示禁止,是说话人强有力的劝告或命令,意为“一定要,不准”。在遇到 must 有关的句子时,首先要确定它在句中的词义,看看是“必须”,还是“一定”。

must作为“必须”用时,它的否定形式是mustn't,意为“禁止、不准”,比如:You mustn't take the book out of the reading room. 你不准把书带出阅览室。

Everyone mustn't make a noise here. 大家不准出声。第二个意思是“肯定、一定”,用来表示推测,这个时候往往是must be结构:That boy must bePaul. 那个男孩肯定是保罗。He must be mad. 他一准是疯了。当“一定”讲,表示肯定的推测时,其否定形式是can't,我们就把以上三例改为否定句:That boy can't be Paul. 那个男孩不可能是保罗。

He can't be mad. 他不可能疯了。It can't be June 5th today. 今天不可能是6月5号。He can't be mad. 他不可能疯了。

关于must的另一个考点是这个词引导的一般疑问句的回答,也跟其有两个含义有关。作为“必须”的时候:Must you hand in your report today? 你的报告今天就必须交上吗?---Yes, I must. 是的,必须交上。作为“一定”表示肯定的推测时:Must he be in the library? 他一定在图书馆吗?---Yes, he must. 是的,一定。

No, he can't. 不,不可能。

本文关键词:must和must not的用法,must not 和mustn't,must和mustn't,must和must to的区别,must not 和mustn't的区别。这就是关于《must和mustnot的区别,must must to 区别(17:must)》的所有内容,希望对您能有所帮助!


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