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1. 求5篇英语新闻分析

转让# 2 :新闻组合的学生将收集五个例子,从西方的新闻,以说明概念涵盖在课堂上。有好有坏的例子是可以接受的。每个项目的,学生将写一简短文章,不超过300字,解释如何选择项目,体现了新闻的概念,更好或更坏。请参阅所附的样本。













来源现场新闻故事的故事元素( mercial lines.

“It’s Miller Time”讲NBA的Reggie Miller(已退休)前一天的比赛如何神勇.

5. Use alliterations(头韵)

Funny Farmers””Super Shaq”(NBA player)

6. Make personal connections.跟当事人有联系的事

“Unbroke my Heart”这是美国歌星Toni Braxton唱的一首很有名的歌,这篇文章是说Toni Braxton患了罕见的心臓病,她在呼吁人们要及早注意心臓检查和维护.


3. 英语长短句成分分析

It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.(that开始到句末都是主语从句,if到opportunities是主语从句中的条件状语从句)

But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited, and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their “expectation of life”, the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials. (that开始到limited是主语从句,the time后面是定语从句)

Prior to the twentieth century, women in novels were stereotypes of lacking any features that made them unique individuals and were also subject to numerous restrictions imposed by the male-dominated culture.(that开始到individuals是定语从句)

4. 英语长短句分析成分(速求

(Beyond the practial need to make order out of chaos状),(the rise of dictionaries主) (is associated with谓) (the rise of english middle class宾),(who 。worlds to conquer-lexical as well as social and commercial定语从句).

It主语 is系动词 highly appropriate表语 (that Dr.Samuel Johnson,the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man,as famous in his own time as in ours should,have published his dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class主语从句).

that Dr.Samuel Johnson主语,(the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man同位语),(as famous in his own time as in ours定语) (should have published谓语) (his dictionary宾语) (at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class状语)

5. 求专业指导,分析英语长短句的步骤,

句子的主干是It is not unusual for a student to have $5,000 in loans after four years-loanseven if引导让步状语从句(even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer )that引导定语从句(that he must start to repay within one year after gaduation)句子大意是今天对一个学生是不寻常的,即使他工作部分时间在大学和充分的时间在夏季,有五千元贷款,四年后,他必须开始偿还贷款后一年内毕业.(百度翻译上的)。

6. 请热心人帮忙分析一段英语新闻的句子成分与结构


had they received treatment within 30 minutes of the shooting


if they had received treatment within 30 minutes of the shooting


Nor(连词) was(前置的系动词) the jury(主语) certain(表语) whether it should agree with an expert witness(表语补语从句), who had said two victims might have been saved if they had received treatment within 30 minutes of the shooting(定语从句修饰witness,见一).

一: who(代词引导定语从句,指代witness同时作从句的主语) had said(谓语,过去完成时) (that)(省略宾语从句引导词) two victims might have been saved if they had received treatment within 30 minutes of the shooting(宾语从句,见二)

二: (that) two victims(主语) might have been saved(谓语,虚拟语气完成时,被动语态) if they had received treatment within 30 minutes of the shooting(if引导的条件状语从句)


7. 求今天的一条英语新闻,,长短适中

Though India has remained free so far from influenza A/H1N1, another animal disease, Equine Influenza, or horse flu, has killed 43 horses in the west Indian states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, local Hindi daily Danik Bhaskar reported Saturday.

A laboratory based in Hissar of Haryana, in north India, has confirmed that the deaths were caused by the Equine Influenza commonly called “horse flu.”

The first death occurred in January in Gandhinagar in Gujarat, where 15 horses died of the disease last month, said the report.

To prevent the disease from spreading, the Gujarat government has instituted ban on buying and selling horses in the state.


8. 简短的英语新闻,短一点

African expeditionary bomb flew over a land of orient Libya Wednesday, descending digit bombs on an area mostly dominated by the opposition. Youths in Ajdabiya were amassing and heading toward the conflict area to help defend the town, which has been in the control of rebel forces in recent days。


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